Our aim at Widcombe Infant School is to give children a positive attitude so that they can use Mathematics confidently in everyday life. We believe that the knowledge, skills, concepts and processes presented should be related to individual attainment, aptitude and personal needs, and to the requirements of the world of work and adult life. Children are encouraged to work in a practical way with numbers, number operations, shape, space, measures and data. There is a strong emphasis on developing mental skills and problem solving skills.
Our teaching of Mathematics is based on the Early Years Curriculum in Reception and the National Curriculum. Children are guided systematically towards the development of necessary concepts through direct teaching with the whole class (oral, interactive, practical and lively), group activities and individual work.
Children are regularly involved in the assessment of their own learning, through discussions in plenary sessions and the use of a shape to indicate their perceived achievement. Each term teachers share the Mathematical targets with the children so that they are aware of what they are working on.
We encourage parents to support their child’s Mathematical development by providing home learning tasks relevant to the age and attainment of the children. Annually a Mathematics meeting is held to inform parents of how the subject is taught across the school. We aim to boost parents’ confidence in helping their children with Maths by demonstrating and trying out some of the written methods we use in class. All staff have an open door policy so that parents are able to see their teacher if they require clarification on how a strategy is taught and used within school.
“I look forward to Maths lessons because I love adding up, taking away and solving problems.” Joe, aged 6
If you would like to support your child’s mathematical skills at home below are some websites that include lots of Maths games:
Subject Documents |
Maths Scheme of Work |
Calculation Policy |