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- Vision, Ethos and Values
Preparing children to be life long learners and to make the most of life within our world
Standards of achievement to aim for:
- high levels of attainment appropriate to each individual in a broad, balanced curriculum
- a high level of skills in English, Mathematics, Science and Computing
- creativity throughout the whole curriculum
- international awareness
Quality as learners
We aim to develop children who:
- are highly motivated
- have high expectations for their own learning and behaviour
- are reflective learners who are receptive to learning
- are independent learners, who enjoy learning and respond to a challenge
- are confident, articulate, flexible and adaptable
- are able to collaborate and co-operate with others
- have enquiring minds and are able to solve problems
Personal attributes
For children:
- to develop a sense of responsibility and respect towards themselves, others and their surroundings
- to be happy, secure, confident, resilient and helpful individuals
- to have a sense of identity and feel valued as an individual
- to be socially adept, tolerant of others and be able to make a contribution to society
- to be internationally aware
- to develop a moral sense
- to develop themselves in mind, body and spirit
- to learn to keep themselves and others safe, and the importance of maintaining a healthy, sustainable life style
Statement of Commitment for our School
- To provide high quality innovative teaching, through a variety of teaching and learning strategies, to deliver a broad, balanced, challenging curriculum in a rich, stimulating, well resourced environment
- To ensure high attainment for pupils of all abilities
- To provide a wide range of relevant experiences
- To build on and progress from what children already know
- To provide a rich quality of learning which makes full use of our unique environment in the school and the locality
- To ensure the provision of a well resourced and well maintained inclusive school
- To provide a school which supports and values every child so that they can achieve success in all aspects of school life
- To foster a sense of identity by encouraging self respect and a smart appearance
- To provide a happy, friendly, welcoming and safe environment
- To foster children’s individual characters and give them opportunities to have a voice in the development of the school
- To develop excellent home-school and community links
- To provide opportunities for parents to gain knowledge of the school and their children’s learning through, for example curriculum meetings, assemblies, parents evenings, sports day, whole school performances
- To support all staff development
- To value all contributors to school life and work as a mutually supportive school team
- To strive for continuous improvement
- To teach children how to achieve a safe, healthy and sustainable lifestyle
- For all staff and Governors to be proactive in the development of the school